Tuesday, April 12, 2016


I is for I Suck!

I was all kinds of CRAZY amped about doing all sorts of ICE things for the letter I. 

Guess what....it is difficult to film water freezing!  So, not very well planned on my part! 

Make ice in ONE SECOND!!

I know, hard to beleive right?! that's because its really total BS. It actually takes more like 3 hours....BUT, super cool and really impressed the boys...wanna try?

Put a few bottles of water in the freezer for 2.5 - 3 hours. 
Pull them out VERY CAREFULLY! (seriously, if you tap the bottle, even just a little that sucker freezes and then your starting over!)

Be sure the kids are there - SOMEONE tap the bottle and watch it freeze!!!


If you enjoy having your kids freaked out, like me, it can be a pretty awesome power to have....just sayin'.

You'll need a glass of SUPER cold but not quite frozen water. 
Stick the tip of your finger in crushed ice so that some will stick to your finger (the kiddos don't need to know about that part)
touch the top of the water and watch the freeze

You can check out a really awesome video and explanation on YouTube.


You'll Need:
a bucket
a makeshift fishing pole - get creative - the kids can even make their own! But use kite string for catching the "fish"

Set the fishermen out!


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