If you haven't heard of TestingMom.com I am excited to tell you all about it!!
My boys and I have been learning all of the games that are part of the IQ Fun Pack. There are TONS of different games. When I opened the board game, I have to admit, I was overwhelmed!
I looked through everything and then headed to the website for guidance. Luckily, Karen Quinn, the co-founder, has a short tutorial for every game. Its fabulous! She explains exactly how to introduce and play each game. Before we could start playing, I was tasked with cutting out all of the playing pieces. There are TONS! Karen explains that the purpose of the parents cutting the pieces is to help us familiarize ourselves with each piece prior to introducing our kiddos. Okay, I have to admit, that's smart!
Over the summer break, I will be working with Liam, he will be entering Kindergarten in August. I will be posting videos and updates about each of the games to let you know what has been great and what hasn't.
I can tell you, Liam LOVES the space babies!
The premise of the game is that we are teaching the space babies all about earth and what earth children know. It is super cute and a great way to encourage the kids to learn while thinking they are teaching! For us this works great. Liam gets aggravated when I am teaching him anything new. This is a genuinely fun way to introduce new concepts. Karen Quinn is a best selling author. Her son was struggling with hearing problems which lead doctors to determine that he would never function in a regular classroom. With her determination her son was admired to a competitive private school and placed in honors classes. In 2010, Karen met Michael McCurdy, one of the most popular "daddy bloggers" in New York City. He had become frustrated with the lack of information available to parents regarding school selection and testing. Together they worked to developed an internet site that would provide parents with the tools and knowledge we need to help our children become confident and successful students.