Friday, April 1, 2016

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A for ACID nope just joking... A for AIR PRESSURE

Today is the first day of the 26 day challenge, blogging A to Z.
I decided my theme would incorporate my boys.
They love sciencey (is that a word?) things, so we are going to attempt a different experiment each day.
So, right off the bat, today was a bust! I thought it would be super exciting to do A for ACID and light a low voltage bulb using lemons. Only it didn't work.
In case you would like to try and then tell me how super successful you were and how easy it was (seriously, don't do that) here's what you need:

            • 6 lemons
            • wire
            • 6 pennies
            • a knife
            • zinc plated nails
            • willing helpers
            • alligator clips
            • Low voltage bulb

     Right of the bat, with just one lemon we had a voltage reading of .356! WOO HOO, i thought, with is going GREAT! We wired up the rest of our lemons and checked the reading, it hovered arond .9 - 1.3. We hooked up our bulb, NOTHING!

     The hubs and I fought with those lemons for at least an hour. The boys were gone LONG before that! Logan was interested enough to hook everything up and then once the bulb didn't light he was outa there!

    I thought, this could be a good learning experience, sometimes things don't work the first time, you have to keep trying, yadda yadda yadda. But honestly, I was really disappointed!

    If you know what we did wrong, PLEASE tell me!!!

    Since I was feeling like a huge failure, I had to find another way to get-r-dun. 

    AIR, that starts with A!!!

    Let that sucker roll
    around and boil.
    Super fast into the ice
    bath you go!
    We have done this before, but its pretty cool.

    You just put an empty can in boiling water for a few minutes. Then put it in ice water and BOOM! That sucker collapses in on its self!

    The why of it? Well, the boiling water inside the can forced the air out. When we flipped it quickly and stuck it in the ice water, the water vapor inside the can condensed as it was force to cool quickly. It created a vacuum inside, that along with the air pressure outside of the can caused it to collapse!

    Here's a quick video of the action!

    You can laugh if you wanna....that can collapsed so quickly that it startled me and I jumped, you can totally tell in the video. Sorry, kids!

    I felt the need to try another Air pressure experiment.

    I think Logan was
    expecting an
    What you need:
    • boiled egg less the shell
    • bottle, we used Starbucks
    • match

     SO, easy enough, light the match, drop it in set the egg on top.  Wellllll, our match wouldn't stay lit long enough. The crowd was getting restless. I had to act fast (like us moms do). I grabbed the first piece of construction paper and lit that sucker on fire! Dropped it in and waited....

    BOOM! Egg in a

    Can you see it? Its working!!!

    Wanna know why? 
    Sure you do!
    Welllll, The heat from the paper heats the air inside the bottle. The molecules get angry and try to move away from each other. Where can they escape the fire? Up! Well, once the fire is out the air starts to cool but the new air from outside can't get in because of the egg sealing the top. The air pressure outside is greater and forces the egg inside the bottle!

    Thanks for reading! Fingers crossed that B works out better! Let me know if you have any thoughts on that whole lemon debacle!
    #AtoZ Challenge


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