Monday, August 15, 2016

THE Very Best Thermos EVER!!

I am SO excited about this thermos!

My family and I took an overnight trip to the zoo last weekend. I filled this thermos with ice and put it in a cooler along with some drinks.

We left it in the car the first day from 7am until 5ish. It was 95 degrees that day!

I put it in the refrigerator at our hotel that night.

The next day, it was still filled with ice! 

We spent the day at the zoo and carried the thermos with us. We were able to fill it with water at every fountain and enjoy ice cold water all day! 

If I had not experienced this first hand, I would NEVER have believed this story. I assure you, it is all completely true!

Check it out on Amazon by clicking HERE.

I received this product at a discount in exchange for my HONEST and UNBIASED review.

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