Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Great Volleyball!

Since I live in a house full of boys, we have a lot of balls! Okay, get your mind out of the gutter!

I bet every room in my house has at least one ball in it somewhere! 

It occurred to me that we have never owned a volleyball. This was a void that needed to be filled.

This awesome soft touch volleyball by Vetra is under $10 on Amazon! That is pretty darn reasonable, I thought.

It comes deflated, which was not a surprise to me, I mean, why would they ship a fully inflated ball? That would be weird. So, be sure that you have a pump and a needle to inflate the ball.

I love the colors. They are so bright and fun!

It is very soft, its a volleyball after all.

It bounces well, again, it is a volleyball. 

Overall, it does what a volleyball should and looks great.

Check it out on Amazon by clicking HERE.

I received this product at a promotional discount in exchange for my HONEST and UNBIASED review.

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