Friday, August 19, 2016

Massage Balls - Oh Yeah!

Back pain is a constant for me. I am always looking for ways to find relief.

When I received these massage balls, my immediate thought was, how are these huge hard plastic balls going to soothe my sore back.

Setting them up is simple. Just wrap the strap around a desk chair or even a car seat. They are easy to adjust with the stretchy velcro strap.

Next, sit down and put the balls in the appropriate area to address the pain. Its great because they move up or down and in and out. Where ever the pain is, it is easy to address.

The question, does it work? YES! I really didn't expect it to, but it does. Leaning back against them just rocking will work on those tight sore muscles.

They are under $13 on Amazon. If backpain is an issue, check them out on Amazon by clicking HERE.

I received this product at a promotional discount in exchange for my HONEST and UNBIASED review.

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