Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Bring the Constellations Inside!

I have stuck several different "glow in the dark" things to my boys' ceilings.

We have put up Spiderman and his webs. Most of them fell and they never lit up much at all. The only way they could be seen was if you already knew where they were, then you could kind of see them.

We put up stars. They are still stuck there after several months, but they only glow for a few minutes and slowly fade to nothing.

This pack of stars and planets is absolutely the best I have seen!

My boys are thrilled with them.

They are incredibly bright and brilliant. It is so fun to see them each night!

We have only had them up for a few weeks but so far we haven't had one falling star!

There are a TON of stars and planets in the kit. My 8 year old loves the constellations booklet that comes with it.

Check it out on Amazon by clicking HERE. 

I received this product at a promotional discount in exchange for my HONEST and UNBIASED review.

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