Every mom knows with the change of each season comes the rotation of the clothes.

Boxes are big and bulky. Boxes let bugs in, they let critters in, they let moisture in and I can't risk that! Clothes are WAY too expensive!

The problem I always have is the closure at the top, they never seem to seal completely, they never stay sealed. Okay, maybe I put in TOO many clothes, WHATEVER!
These bags, however, seem to be the exception to the broken seals! They close very well and when I sucked out the air, it stayed out! WOO HOO!
They also seem to be thicker than the ones that I have used in the past.
The bundle that I ordered on Amazon has 3 extra large, 3 large and 2 medium bags and its under $20! Well worth it!
Once everything is in, I use a marker and a piece of card stock, I label the size and season and stick it in the attic. See ya in a couple of years!
Check them out on Amazon.
I received this product at a discount in exchange for my HONEST review.

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