Sunday, May 1, 2016



I have a few visible scars from being a reckless tomboy. I mean you can only swing your tire swing off of the top of the doghouse into the house so many times without enduring a few scrapes.

The majority of my scars are internal. My scars have changed me deeply.

Although most people can't see my scars, the people who know me best can certainly see them.

  • My distant stare while I'm reenacting a moment from the past - before my scars.
  • The way I almost always avoid twins.
  • The way I tense up whenever I hear an ambulance
My scars will never heal. 

There are others with scars similar to mine. Those that share the same heartbreak of loosing a child. We all find a way to put one foot in front of the other, to put on a happy face so that others don't feel awkward. 

I wish that the only scars I had were externally. Life would be quite different.



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