Friday, October 14, 2016

I Chamois My Dog Dry!

I am super excited about his multi-functional chamois!

My dog is huge, with tons of hair. He loves to be outside in the rain. He will stand, sometimes lay in the back of the yard and ignore my screams to come inside. 

When he finally strolls in, on HIS time, he is drenched! He has a thick double layered coat that is impossible to get dry! This chamois seems to just slurp up the moisture! 

I used it after giving him a bath. I typically will take an hour to blow dry him, yes, I'm crazy, but if I don't he will still smell like "wet dog"! After a bath I usually use a minimum of 5 towels to dry him. Now, with this chamois, I used one to get the initial wetness off and then used the chamois. I am shocked every time by the amount of moisture it is able to remove!

Check it out on Amazon by clicking HERE.

I received this product at a promotional discount in exchange for my HONEST and UNBIASED review.

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