I know, I know, its really gross!
It happens, I'm not proud of it, I certainly don't encourage it! I have blocked off the cat's box and made it as inconvenient as possible for the dog. He can't seem to help himself! Its as though he is driven by a power stronger than himself, calling to him, "must eat the poop"!

T-Pet is working great! We have been using it for a few weeks and his breath smells, well not like poop!

He actually seems to like it! I am shocked every time I get it out, he seems ready to have his teeth cleaned.
My vet is always on me to brush his teeth. This gel has been tested to remove plaque and tartar by 20%! I hope the vet is impressed!
I'm not going to be kissing my dog anytime soon, but at least I'm not smelling cat poop when pet him!
Check it out on Amazon by clicking HERE.
I received this product at a promotional discount in exchange for my HONEST and UNBIASED review.

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