Sunday, June 19, 2016

Watching Movies with this Projector is SO much more fun!

My boys LOVE having a projector to watch their shows and play XBox!

It is so much more fun to watch a movie when its HUGE!!

This projector is so easy to set up, even I did it myself! I just plugged the Xbox in and away we went!  My guys watched YouTube on it FOREVER! I was able to adjust the focus and set it up exactly where I needed it in their room. It was surprisingly simple.

I read a lot of reviews on Amazon that were not so great, but I didn't have any of the problems that others complained about. Some complained about not being able to focus, I had no problem. The lens just turns right or left just like a manual camera lens to focus.

The sound that comes from the projector was fine. Some people complained that the sound was low. Maybe if we were outside it may have been an issue, but with us indoors I didn't experience any problems with the sound.

Someone complained about the picture being pixelated. I did not experience this at all. Our picture looked great. I had it up pretty damn big too.

Overall, I have NO complaints at all  with this projector. It works great and is easy to use.

Check it out on Amazon.

I received this projector for free in exchange for my HONEST review.


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