Monday, June 6, 2016

Beer pong - THE great new FAMILY time game!

We have been having a great time playing beer pong with our kiddos.

Yeah, you heard it right. Don't get your panties in a wad. We have obviously changed the rules. They tend to get drunk way to quick!

We only set up one end of the playing area. We each take a turn with 4 balls. We gave each row a point value. The front cup is worth 4, behind it is 3, behind that is 2 and the last row is 1 point.

They really love playing it!

Its cool because they are practicing math the entire time! (insert evil laughter) They are adding our points and subtracting how many more they need to get. Its awesome!

It has been a great family game. When its hot and muggy outside,ugh, I really don't want to do much other than be in the air conditioner!

This kit is great because it came with two triangle grippers. They are like the grippers you get for throw rugs. Once you put your cups on the gripper mat they stay put really well. It comes with two sets of cups and four balls. They also included a pen and pad to tally your scores. It is a great little set, but honestly, I think its a bit over priced.

Check it out on Amazon.

I received this product for free in exchange for my HONEST review.


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