Monday, August 29, 2016

Awesome Kitchen Scale!

This is a great kitchen scale.

It is easy to use and has a large digital display. By pushing one button the scale toggles from pounds, ounces, grams and milliliters quickly and easily. It is able to handle weight up to 11 lbs.

One of the features I love about this scale is that it automatically subtracts the weight of a container from the food. How awesome is that?! 

The batteries are included! I love that! It only requires 2 AAA batteries, but having them included, makes me happy!

The scale is very small and lightweight. Its perfect for the kitchen since it doesn't take up much room and is easy to move around.
Check it out on Amazon by clicking HERE. 

I received this product at a promotional discount in exchange for my HONEST and UNBIASED review.
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