Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Everyone can benefit from Omega3

The benefits from Omega 3 Fish Oil are undeniable. Supports a healthy heart, joints, mood and mental state.  They contains anti inflammatory qualities. It has even been proven to improve hair and skin. Recently, there have been medical research studies that have shown that Omega-3 supports cardiovascular health my maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.

With all of that information, the key is to find a high quality vitamin. The softgels from Natural Riches contain 600mg DHA and 800mg EPA per serving. They have a significant higher quality of Omega-3 compared to other products.

Natural Riches pure Omega3 fish oil also provides better absorption and NO FISH AFTERTASTE!!

Because their softgels have enteric coating it helps with the absorption of essential fatty acids. That means that you get to enjoy all of the health benefits without fish burps!

Check it out on Amazon.

I received this product for free

in exchange for my HONEST review.
Continue reading Everyone can benefit from Omega3

I DO SO love me some Coconut Oil!!

Do you know how amazing coconut oil is? I have become OBSESSED!! My husband has little to no tolerance for my rants on coconut oil. It is quite common in my house for me to say, "get the coconut oil" for damn near everything. Know why? Because it fixes damn near everything! Like what you ask?

  • Burn yourself cooking? Coconut oil!
  • Got fly aways (in your hair)? Coconut oil!
  • Bug bite? Coconut oil!
  • Dry skin? Coconut oil!
Oh, I could go on and on and on....get the point?

I have been using this particular coconut oil for nightly massages for my boys. I mix it with lavender EO and they LOVE it. Yeah, I'm creating little monsters! LOL

This coconut oil does specify for external use only - so don't drink it or use it for food prep.

This coconut oil is odorless, colorless and leaves no greasy feeling.

Check it out on Amazon.

I received this product for free in exchange for my HONEST review.

Continue reading I DO SO love me some Coconut Oil!!

Pamper yourself with a Coffee Scrub!

I wasn't sure how I would feel about a "coffee scrub". But I've heard of all sorts of benefits from coffee treatments so I figured I'd give it a try!

I'm not a coffee fan...but I LOVE the smell of coffee...is that weird?

The first thing I did was smell it, of course! It smells amazing! Just like fresh ground coffee!

It feels very gritty like sand or coffee, DUH!

I cannot honestly say that I noticed a reduction in cellulite or age spots. I would imagine that you would need to use it over a few weeks or even months consistently to see noticeable improvement.

I can honestly say that my skin was smoother. It was strange though to take a shower and then put this where ever you want to put it and leave it. They recommend leaving it sit for 10 minutes. That is not easy! Its hard enough to take a shower alone. The natives get pretty restless!

Check it out on     Amazon.

I received this product for free in exchange for my honest review.

Continue reading Pamper yourself with a Coffee Scrub!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Great set of coasters

These coasters are made by Mixology.  They came in a 6 pack. Each one is individually wrapped. They are a really nice looking light wood. There is no coating or stain on them. I really like the engraved design on them.

They absorb the condensation from drinks very well. They are very durable too - bonus!

Check them out on Amazon.

I received this product for free in exchange for my HONEST review.

Continue reading Great set of coasters

Desktop basketball game

We had a lot of fun with this basketball game. It was entertaining and challenging. I like that the ball is attached with a string. What a pain it would be to chase that little ball everywhere! I was really impressed with the quality.

But the itty bitty screw came out several times. Well, it came out once too many times and we couldn't find it anywhere. It is so tiny that we haven't found a screw around the house the same size to replace it.

Check it out on Amazon.

I received this item for free in exchange for my HONEST review.
Continue reading Desktop basketball game

This holder has improved my life!

This phone holder is outstanding!

It is very sturdy and well made. It is super flexible and bendy. The clip that holds the phone has a swivel ball head which enables full movement. I can put my phone in nearly ANY position! For me it has been great for recording videos. I'm not sure how I functioned before getting it!

The only downside is that the slightest tap causes it to bounce quite a bit.

Check it out on Amazon.

I received this product for free in exchange for my HONEST review.
Continue reading This holder has improved my life!

Great Armband!

This armband has lots of room for my phone, earbuds even my key! I love that my phone can stay in its case an is able to slip easily into the armband.

With the extender, my husband or I are able to use it comfortably. This band fits very comfortably around my arm. Most importantly, it stays put!

 Check it out on Amazon.

I received this product for free in exchange for my HONEST review.

Continue reading Great Armband!

Amazing set of solar wall lights!

I have never had good luck with solar lights. We have had all different types and they never seem bright enough.

I wasn't expecting much from these wall lights. I was wrong! These are outstanding. We have one on each side of our house and they are bright enough to light up the entire wall!

On the down side, by 4am they are completely out. I can only assume that during the fall and winter months when we have less daylight to charge them, they will likely only last a few hours.

Check them out on Amazon.

I received these lights for free in exchange for my HONEST review. 
Continue reading Amazing set of solar wall lights!