When we were redoing our boys' room, it was all about SUPER HEROES!!
I am extremely cheap resourceful. I'm not oozing with artistic talent, but I knew that with the right motivation, I could do damn near anything I set my mind to. What was said motivation, you ask? Finding out that artwork would be around $20 for 1 picture. I searched everywhere! So, I knew that it was up to me.
My guys don't have any specific hero that they are obsessed with, that made things easier.
I knew a few things:
- I wanted them to be
cheap inexpensive
- I wanted them to look good
- I wanted them to be relatively easily identifiable
Being on the cheap thrifty side, I didn't want to pay $5 for canvases. I'm just sayin' who knew how these things were going to turn out!
Now, please, I ask kindly that you don't judge me....(you just put on your judgmental glasses, didn't you?) Well, here goes, I used pizza boxes. Yeah, that's right! Come on, not the greasy bottom, I only used the tops. They only have a LITTLE bit of cheese residue on them. PLUS, I let the dog lick it clean - I DO have standards!
So, once the boxes were clean and dry, from the dog of course, I got my acrylics and went to work! I was able to find some REALLY simple symbols online - THANK YOU PINTEREST! Here's a link to my pinterest page with tons of superhero stuff..boy's room
Here they are, hanging together. I am pretty happy with how they came out. Maybe someday I will do them on canvases.
Yeah, probably not!
These look pretty cool. You wouldn't know they are pizza box tops at least from the picture. What a good idea!